I know this post is more than a month old but I was waiting for Elsie to make her comments on it. She had asked a while ago and never got to it. Around Christmas Elsie started planning her birthday. I reminded her that there was no party this year. She was aware of that but started planning what friend she was going to invite for a play date. She kind of weaseled herself into a little party with 2 friends. She made invitations and had a girls night which turned out to be treats and a movie. It was nice that she took care of everything and I wasn't needed at all. Elsie's favorite color is lime green. She hates pink and tries not to wear it often. When I saw this backpack I couldn't resist getting it for her, especially since I don't see lime green things much.

Elsie has tried making aprons on her own but none have lasted. I thought it was time she had a good one. Come to find out, it was for younger children. I told Elsie I could exchange it but she wanted to keep it. Mike found some rubber bands for making bracelets. She is getting very creative with them and was running out. I went searching for the bands but the stores were out. Thank goodness Mike found some on his drive home from work that day.

Elsie is very much a girl. She loves to dress up and look cute. She even loves fancy shoes and painted nails. But there are a few things she doesn't like. One is doing her hair. She won't let me touch it unless I ask in advance to do it or she asks me for help. The other thing Elsie doesn't like is boys. She claims she doesn't like her brothers and wants to sell them. But then she will buy them presents and treats. The stories she comes home from school with aren't about girls. They are about how far she kicked the ball playing kickball with the boys at recess and how they couldn't believe it.
We had a family dinner for Elsie's birthday and for dessert she made her own cupcakes. She loves to cook and was so proud she had done this on her own. Maybe I won't have to make the boys cakes anymore. I might hire Elsie.
Elsie was so excited for her 10th birthday to come. We don't do birthday parties every year but I do let the kids have a friend or two over to play. Elsie planned a movie and treats with a few friends. She wanted no help planning anything and told the boys to stay out. She is growing up too fast.
Ten reasons I love about Elsie...
10 Elsie is great at playing the piano. She has struggled with practicing but memorizes songs amazingly fast.
9 Elsie loves to play with girls and do girl things. Growing up with all boys I am afraid she is getting some of both worlds. I enjoy seeing Elsie rough house with the boys and being a part of that but also like seeing her enjoy being a girl.
8 I love to how Elsie is willing to serve. When someone doesn't feel good Elsie is always the first to help them. At church she plays the prelude music because they need someone. She makes things for her brothers and friends just because.
7 Elsie is a good missionary. She was so excited at Christmas when a friend came to an activity because she invited him. She is not afraid to share what she believes. What a great example!
6 Elsie loves to learn. Now that the kids are getting older I have changed their chores a little. Some of them include washing dishes by hand (we have no dishwasher), drying the dishes, washing clothes and cleaning the toilet. Granted at first Elsie did not want anything to do with the toilet. She refused. But after we worked together at it she decided it wasn't too hard. She now wants to earn money cleaning the bathroom when it isn't her chore.
5 I love how much Elsie loves reading. The days we go to the library she will spend the rest of the day reading until she has finished all her books. She has become such a bookworm that occassionally we have had to confiscate books until her chores are done.
4 I love to see Elsie teach. She often tries to play school with the boys but they don't always cooperate. She especially loves to do the family home evening lessons. She prepares so well.
3 I love to see Elsie's excitement for cooking. When Mike is working nights we often get to eat food he doesn't like. Elsie loves to make meals. She even made her own birthday cupcakes this year.
2 I like to hear stories about Elsie befriending others. She has struggled being friends with some girls and finds it easier to befriend new boys in her class. It really warms my heart when she wants to play with a girl she didn't get along with last year.
1 I love the way Elsie shows her love. Dad isn't a very huggy person with his kids. This last year I challenged Elsie to try and help dad. To start she always gave me a hug and a kiss before bed so she started giving Mike a hug also. At first it was a little wierd but now it is routine and Elsie never goes to bed without giving both of us hugs. I think Mike likes it, although he never says.
Happy Birthday dear Elsie and hope you have a year full of joy and learning.