February has been a warm month this year. We have experienced 60 degree weather and I have loved it. Here are a few pictures of things we've done this month.
Mike celebrated his birthday this month. I just love this man who stole my heart 12 years ago. He has made me a very happy women. I am so grateful for his sense of humor and smile. The Lord has blessed me with the best husband who inspires me to do my best.
Reyen likes to lay with dad and sometimes he even gets her to take a catnap before dinner when she is cranky. She loves her dad.
Rylan lost his 6th tooth around Valentine's day. We went to the library and he said his tooth was falling out. I gave him a tissue and he started pulling it out right in front of me. I didn't want to see it and sent him to the restroom. Rylan was so happy. He got a dollar for the tiny little thing.
Reyen's favorite place is dad and mom's bed. She rolls all over and loves the softness. On the wood floor Reyen barely moves for fear of hurting herself.
This book Reyen is reading has been around since Elsie. It has been taped and retaped and is still around. She loves to open the flaps all by herself.
Camden got an owie on his nose. He is constantly getting cuts and bruises from doing ordinary things. Just the other day I witnessed him standing on the arm of a couch (which he isn't suppose to do) and the next second he was on his butt. Why he didn't fall gracefully I don't know. When he falls, he falls hard all the time!

With the nice weather we headed around the block to the church and there the boys played in the sand. It was the perfect setting. It was overcast and warm. The only sad thing was after taking pictures for a little bit my camera battery died so I wasn't able to take the finished projects which the boys were so proud of. There was enough sand for everyone to have their own spot to dig yet the boys still managed to fight over trucks. The two big boys wanted to take the trucks over to the church and since we were walking they decided they would carry the whole tub of toys instead of taking one or two. I wish I would have gotten a picture of them. We don't have a wagon but I told the boys it might be a good investment for them to make.
The hand digger grandma and grandpa gave Camden worked awesome.
We have to document Reyen's first fall. I don't know if you can tell but while I ran to the other room for literally 1 minute I heard the boys holler "Reyen's falling" and before I could get there she was on the floor. Of course it was the younger boys who didn't know what to do except holler and thank goodness all she got were rug burns on her forehead and nose. She looked like Rudolph for a few days.