The boys were really excited to go fishing. They went a few times each day. Sadly they didn't catch anything the first few times.
Mike bought his own fishing pole and I believe was actually exciting to go. I was really impressed and my heart was so happy to see all my boys doing something together and there was no yelling. I didn't care if there was any fish to eat but if time spent together.
One afternoon the girls came down after Reyen had her nap. It was a really nice day. Maybe one day we will get some light floating devises to go out on the water with.
The night before we were leaving Mike took the Rylan and Elliot fishing before bed. While you're camping time seems to not be significant. Camden had burnt his fingers so he went to bed with Reyen and Kaden was with Dave. The boys were casting their poles out and Rylan had to pee. He went to the bushes and before he got back Rylan caught a fish. He was really excited but did not want to touch it. Elliot also caught a fish. Thank goodness dad was there to help them touch the fish. We almost had to keep the cute fish because they weren't moving when put back in the water. Thankfully Mike was able to get them going again.
The morning we were to go home Mike took the kids fishing again. Elsie went along for the first time. Unfortunately no fish were caught.
While we were there we went to see the upper Provo river waterfall. They were loud and fun to see. We went in the morning and it was still chilly, but it wasn't busy at all.
We saw some older boys get in the water. Personally I think they were crazy but it was fun to watch.
On our drive down from the mountains we stopped by the fish hatchery. It was really cool to see and learn about the stages of a fish and how they are grown and distributed.
We were given some instructions before we could see the fish. Legs and hands to yourself and no touching. The kids did surprisingly well.
We got to see the tour guide feed the fish. They went crazy. We were told they eat every two hours. No wonder they get big fast.
We learned that this contraption is like a vacuum. It sucks up the fish and they go into the big trucks. The kids were really fascinated with all of it. It was pretty awesome.
One of the best things about the fish hatchery was that it had running water and flushing toilets we could use. It was a great trip. One I wish it took less preparation for, but I wouldn't have changed any of it. The kids slept well, played hard and loved most of it. I loved being with my family.
I like it elliot