Rylan did it. He finished his first year of kindergarten. He gets to go to first grade next year. He passed with flying colors. If little kids could get a 4.0 he had it. Now they just say he got all 4's. Way to go Rylan.
The program included singing many songs for us and a movie of all the activities the children did this year. There were some songs Rylan loved to sing. He was even practicing at home but then there were other songs where he barely sang.
In between songs Rylan had to use the bathroom. He was having trouble holding it in so he had to miss a song. Mike took Rylan to the bathroom and said he barely made it. 

Mrs. Newbold, Rylan's teacher was great. Rylan loved her and loved going to class. After the program Mrs. Newbold handed out small memory books for each of 28 children. She included their work throughout the year and tons of pictures. She even had a video for the kids. The most important thing she wanted her children to remember was that they are awesome. The had a little chant they do every day saying "we're awesome, we're awesome".
After coming home Rylan was sad thinking about school. He said he wanted to stay in kindergarten with Mrs. Newbold next year. I am so happy he had a great teacher that taught him a love for learning. I hope the years to come will be just as fun. Congratulations young man!
To add to all the excitement Rylan lost his very first little tooth Sunday morning. I woke up to him telling me he lost it. About 4 weeks ago Rylan bit down on his fork too hard and as a result his two front bottom teeth
were wiggly. Rylan was very excited and carried around a Kleenex all day waiting. He has seen the older kids loose their teeth but was still surprised when he started bleeding.
Yay!!! I can't believe he is old enough for 1st grade! Such a cute kid!