One evening the kids were fighting a lot so Mike decided they had to make up. In order to get treats Kaden had to give Elsie a kiss. Elsie tried to get a way but Kaden conquered.
The kids love it when Mike gets the bb guns out and they all get turn.
The kids think that when it rains it is cold. They put on sweaters when it is 85 degrees. They must take after me. The other night our power went out from lightning and the boys were scared. Even though they were in bed and it was dark the thunder scared them. That night they didn't get to sleep until 10:00.
Here are a few photos I took on my phone camping. I am very happy Mike invested in a camping trailer. It's just perfect, although Mike wants one with a toilet. I don't. It's just one more to clean. He can get it set up in 15 minutes or less. My job is to keep the kids out of his way. So we went on a walk to check things out.
Elsie had a run in with her scooter. She went face first right into the cement and was in a lot of pain. My biggest worry was the scar it would leave. But we kept ointment on it as much as we could and it has healed very well. She was scared to ride her scooter for a while after that.

Another big thing this year is Kaden got his own bedspread and sheets this summer. After a long time Kaden finally decided to work at staying dry at night. We bought an alarm clock for him and went to work. It wasn't anything wonderful to start with. I am so glad Mike helped out. At first I would try waking Kaden up. The first few nights he did great but as time went on he wouldn't get up. So Mike started doing it and Kaden would hop up and go. We would have the alarm set for the middle of the night and he started getting up with that. I was so tired I would sleep right through it. After Kaden was getting up with an alarm he eventually didn't need it and now goes on his own. After a month of staying dry he was awarded a lego set and his own sheets. We searched many stores but everything was expensive. We finally found what Kaden wanted at Ikea. Out of everything he picked cars and trucks! That boy wants nothing else. We are hoping the other 2 will follow Kaden and be out of diapers soon. Although I still have Camden to work on, I hope it won't be so hard.

Camden has started doing this thing in his carseat where he pulls his arms up and out of the belt. It doesn't look very comfortable but he seems to like it. He didn't want to smile for me.
Rylan made his very own monster box. He used an old diaper box and spent several days working on it. His greatest joy was scaring the boys. Camden was really scared of it at first.