Let me just start by saying our family has been blessed with healthy bodies. We have not broken any bones or sprained anything. With that being said around a month ago Rylan came down with an ear ache. Normally we treat ear infections with garlic oil. It works really well but the day after he complained of ear hurting puss started coming out of it. We read up about it and asked my sister-in-law and decided to take him to the doctor. It was on a Saturday so we didn't get our normal doctor. He said it was swimmers ear. We don't know how that worked because we hadn't been swimming for two weeks. We were given some drops and that was all. Out of a whole week Rylan made it to school once. I noticed he had spots on his face around his nose. I didn't think anything of it but a day later they were turning into little blisters. On top of that Rylan's ear was not getting better. He was on pain reliever almost 24 hours a day or he would be whining and wake up crying.We decided to take him back to the doctor, this time it was our regular one. She diagnosed Rylan with impetigo. What? We have never heard of that and had to do our research. The pictures looked painful. We were told it is highly contagious and he was given some medicine to take religiously. So Rylan should not have gone to school and I disinfected the house as much as I could. Rylan was ordered to wash his hands every time we caught him touching his nose. Rylan's ear turned out fine. It was just a ruptured ear drum that took longer to heal and he was okay to go back to school the next week. And as far as we know no one else got impetigo. It is still a mystery as to how he caught it.

On to the story of Camden. We were at Wheeler farm early last week and this boy touched everything he could. I noticed Wednesday morning his finger had a spot on it. I just thought something smashed it. I told Mike and didn't think more of it. Thursdsay night Camden woke up screaming. I got up with him a few times in the night. We rocked in the dark but he couldn't settle down and wouldn't tell me what was bothering him except to say throw up. I didn't want that in my bed but after being up many times I ruled that out and he ended up sleeping with me in bed. That's one more reason why our children don't sleep with us. It was horrible. Camden kept moving and laying on my stomach and face. As a result I tried to move away from him and almost pushed Mike out of bed. He was ready for work when 3:15am rolled around. Friday Camden had a low fever and his little finger looked huge. It was twice as big and the redness was spreading down his finger. By this time Camden was favoring his hand. I called my sister-in-law and asked her opinion because she was a nurse. My worst fear was a spider bite and he was going to die. She told me to get it checked out. I am so grateful Mike was working mornings and I could leave the kids with him. We made it to the doctors okay but not with our normal one. This doctor was very frustrating. She said his finger was infected, abscessed, and that it would need to be drained. She said she wouldn't do it on a young child and he needed restraints to do anything. She recommended Primary Children's care or Riverton Hospital where they had the proper sleeping medicine and tools. Our insurance doesn't cover those and after talking to Mike he found a place close by. What that doctor said scared me and I really, really didn't want to be holding my son down while not being strong for him. I came home and when Mike asked if I wanted him to take Camden, I did not hesitate to say yes. He is my hero. I busied myself with laundry and said many prayers that Camden would not be in pain. When Mike got back, Camden was happy with a popsicle in hand. Mike said it went really fast, the doctor was really nice and helpful. He said Camden only cried for 30 seconds and that was it. I don't know how his finger got infected but it may have been all his exploring at Wheeler farm or from a hang nail. I never knew something so little could cause so much trouble.
To end on a happy note, here are all the boys watching Curious George on Mike's cell phone. I don't know why they think it's great to watch on a little screen but it sure had them excited.
Glad both boys are feeling better! That's so scary!