Saturday, December 27, 2014

The temple lights

I had it on my list to go see the light at temple square this year. When the weather was nice we decided to go. That day came and it was chilly. Mike said we should go two days later when it was suppose to be 60 degrees. So we planned for that. The morning was dark and windy. Mike said are you sure you want to go? I said yes so we bundled all the kids up and went.  Turns out it was really nice and we really only needed light jackets. When we went we didn't know the tabernacle choir was performing with the mupets. There was a long line for standby along with the crowd to see the lights. I made sure we saw the statue of Christ and the nativity.

This was my attempt to get pictures of the kids. Mike was the most cooperative.

We had some not so happy campers that didn't want pictures taken. At least we got to spend some time as a family together. What a beautiful sight.


  1. It made me smile that Mike is actually smiling in this post and the kids were the uncooperative ones. Normally he is the one making silly faces.

  2. So true LeDawn:) Mike was such a good sport with crowds and it was sad to see the kids not enjoy it all.
