Friday, February 27, 2015

Reyen is 8 months old!

So I didn't remember Reyen turned 8 months old until the day after. I had it written on my calander but apparently never saw it. These are a day late but since she was born at almost midnight 10 hours late is pretty good I'd say. At first Reyen was happy to do pictures.

Then she needed her binky.

After that she didn't want to sit or lay down and when I put her on her back she was MAD.

Then Reyen decided playing peekaboo with mom was fun.

And then she was happy again.

  • This little girl loves her siblings, so much that if someone isn't around her she starts fussing. I have started giving her playtime all by herself a little bit at a time so she gets use to it.
  • Reyen is a great eater. She eats everything I give her. I have stopped giving her probiotics and she is doing well with her bowels. She does so well she has been having blowouts. 
  • She is starting to nap better with siblings off at school. She is down to two naps a day. 3 if dad can settle her down enough for a catnap.
  • Reyen loves pens and pencils. She will try and move for it.
  • She rolls all over a bed but not on the wood floors. When playing on the ground Reyen will turn her around in circles. She moves to her tummy easily and is figuring out how her legs move.
  • On her tummy, Reyen is getting strong enough to almost do a push up. She is on the verge of crawling but still moves backwards.
  • Reyen sleeps great through the night and when her naps are not long she can be seen sleeping in until 8am. I don't know how Reyen can sleep through the morning noise but since it's the only time she sleeps good, I let her sleep in.
  • Reyen is starting to give open mouth kisses. I am the only one who has experienced them.
  • Her favorite time of day is after school when the kids come home. She always has a smile for the kids.
  • Reyen experienced her first fall. She fell off the couch and scratched up her nose and forehead. 
  • Reyen has a toy that sings songs. I love to watch her move to the music. She moves her hands in the air and sways her body back and forth. She really likes music and it can calm her down especially if she gets to play the piano.

Our New Camera

For Valentine's day Mike got us a camera. I am so excited to use it and have a lot to learn. I am getting brave enough to shoot in Manual mode and am really liking the results. They look real. I haven't learned anything about photoshop or what is best but in time I may invest.

Here I am practicing on Camden while he is writing his letters. He got distracted with the crumbs on the table. At one point he was eating them.

Then I ventured outside and found the boys trucks and tractors. There are so many I don't know how they can fight over them.

Elsie didn't want her picture taken but when I told her I didn't know what I was doing and it was practice she didn't mind. This is how she spends a lot of her time.

Kaden likes to read too. Not 3 hours a day like Elsie but he enjoys a good book every day.

While the kids were off track for 3 weeks grandpa Wilcox spent time with each of the kids. He asked Kaden and Elsie to have a sleep over on separate nights. Kaden got to go out to lunch, Cabelas, went and watched grandpa bowl. Elsie got to eat out and spend time with grandma on a Saturday and make cookies and eat a LOT of food. Then grandpa came and got the other boys on different days and brought them home before bed. Rylan got to go to Cabelas, lunch, and watch shows. Elliot got to go up to Hill Air force base with grandpa on his day, make a helicopter and eat out. Even Camden got to go out to eat, helped grandpa in the garden and made this airplane with grandpa. The kids all loved their time at grandpas. And I loved them having that time too. Thanks grandpa for these special times. We love you!

I took a lot of other pictures that didn't turn out but I really liked these ones. I can't wait until summer when I can take pictures outside all day. Now hopefully I can remember to capture my children when they are little and growing. They seem to be growing too fast and I wish I could freeze time once in a while.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Kaden's Pinewood Derby 2015

These were 2 guys hard at work on Kaden's derby car. Kaden got his car 2 weeks before the race. Dad and Kaden worked on it the week before. Kaden designed the shape but then Elsie designed the back and when they were done it didn't look much like what was on paper. Kaden was still happy with it. 

The night before the race dad and Kaden took the car to the post office to weigh it. The day of the Derby they were putting the wheels on. 

Here are the cars that raced. Kaden's is the one with the yellow stripe down the top. There were some cool cars. Here is Kaden and his friend Mahonri racing for the first race. Kaden lost that round. He was devastated. You would have thought it was the end of the world.

The next rounds were sweet victories.  Kaden's car won every heat it was in after that. Kaden no longer was sad and he ended up winning first place. Kaden was one happy boy!

At the end of the races kids were invited to race cars they had just for fun.
Kaden had brought his car from last year to race it against his new one. His yellow car beat his 2nd place one from last year.

This is his medal. Boy, he was happy.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Reyen at 6 & 7 months

6 months
This little girl is growing up so fast. I am loving this age. She is not totally mobile yet and I am counting my lucky stars. I wouldn't mind if she didn't crawl until 12 months but she is already on her way. Reyen turned 6 months old on Christmas Eve. She loved watching the kids and seeing all the excitement.

Reyen has started moving so much this month. She sits up perfectly and just after her 6 month checkup started rolling over. The week she turned 6 months we started foods. We started with cereal and was not loving it. She caught on really fast and by the end of the week was a pro at eating. She loves food. So far Reyen has tried peas, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and carrots. She loves it all although her body doesn't. She has had some problems with constipation and we are constantly battling it.

Reyen has been getting a lot of playtime with her siblings.They often fight over who gets to play with her. The cute thing is Rylan put a little play area in their room just for Reyen. Kaden and Rylan are often the ones who like to play with her.

Reyen loves music. She starts moving her arms when she hears it. She like to play the piano with Elsie and watches her hands move. 

7 months
This is Reyen getting herself into a corner. She moves across the room backwards.

Under the couch isn't so fun when you hit your head and can't get out.

Here is dad and Reyen hanging out. They were playing a game of pinching. Reyen kept trying to get Mike's fingers.

Reyen is in love with dad.  Whenever he is in the room she is constantly watching him. 

We got a picture of Reyen in her pretty dress from aunt Mary. It is so cute.

Playtime with Reyen.

Brent and Spinney came over for Elsie's birthday. Reyen was very shy. Every time Brent would look at her she would cry or turn her face away from him. It was almost automatic. He really wanted to hold her so I let him feed Reyen her bottle. She did fine with him but the minute he sat her up to burp she started crying. It may take a few more visits for her to get use to him. 

Cousins came over for dinner one Sunday and Reyen got to play with them.

Domino effect...

Happy Reyen. She is such a happy baby and puts up with so much from her brothers and sister. Even when she doesn't get the sleep she needs or that mom thinks she needs, Reyen is happy. She is growing so much and on the verge of crawling. At her 6 month checkup Reyen weighed 15 lbs. Formula has helped her grow and I am so grateful she is happy and healthy. She isn't sticking everything in her mouth, which I just love. I wish I could freeze time and enjoy this a little longer.