Friday, February 27, 2015

Our New Camera

For Valentine's day Mike got us a camera. I am so excited to use it and have a lot to learn. I am getting brave enough to shoot in Manual mode and am really liking the results. They look real. I haven't learned anything about photoshop or what is best but in time I may invest.

Here I am practicing on Camden while he is writing his letters. He got distracted with the crumbs on the table. At one point he was eating them.

Then I ventured outside and found the boys trucks and tractors. There are so many I don't know how they can fight over them.

Elsie didn't want her picture taken but when I told her I didn't know what I was doing and it was practice she didn't mind. This is how she spends a lot of her time.

Kaden likes to read too. Not 3 hours a day like Elsie but he enjoys a good book every day.

While the kids were off track for 3 weeks grandpa Wilcox spent time with each of the kids. He asked Kaden and Elsie to have a sleep over on separate nights. Kaden got to go out to lunch, Cabelas, went and watched grandpa bowl. Elsie got to eat out and spend time with grandma on a Saturday and make cookies and eat a LOT of food. Then grandpa came and got the other boys on different days and brought them home before bed. Rylan got to go to Cabelas, lunch, and watch shows. Elliot got to go up to Hill Air force base with grandpa on his day, make a helicopter and eat out. Even Camden got to go out to eat, helped grandpa in the garden and made this airplane with grandpa. The kids all loved their time at grandpas. And I loved them having that time too. Thanks grandpa for these special times. We love you!

I took a lot of other pictures that didn't turn out but I really liked these ones. I can't wait until summer when I can take pictures outside all day. Now hopefully I can remember to capture my children when they are little and growing. They seem to be growing too fast and I wish I could freeze time once in a while.

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